Exciting News to Share
Team HOPE have been busy working with local building firm WM Design& Build have now begun the work on our second accommodation block. Find out more about the donations and how far we have come on this journey.

Today we get to share our exciting news that local building firm WM Design& Build have now begun the work on our second accommodation block. We want to express a massive “Thank You” to all the Hope Heroes who have been fundraising to enable us to begin this project and applaud 👏👏every one of you who have donated towards the building fund. It is only because of your faithful support and great kindness that we have been able to get this far.

2020 was a very difficult year for everyone navigating through the pandemic and we have seen the great emotional and physical impact it is having on our visitors.. It has been especially heartbreaking for our pallitive care patients who because of their diagnosis have a limited time with their loved ones. Unfortunately, many of these individuals passed away while waiting for an available date to come to Hope House.
Having this second property will make a tremendous difference in enabling us to give many more families the precious gift of a special haven where they can make special memories together.

We are stepping out in faith at this time as whilst we currently have the funds to build the structure of the new building, we need to raise further funds to allow us to complete the interior and welcome our first guests.

If you have followed the Hope House Journey you will know that in a few short years we have gone from a rented appartment in Whitehead to owning our own house in the most amazing location in Browns Bay. We are amazed and excited that the next step in this journey has begun and we look forward to bringing you with us on the journey – we couldn’t do it without you!
TeamHOPE🌈 Helping People COPE navigating through cancer🎗👊💪